Embrace TIVAR 88 and unlock the true potential of your power plant today!

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Picture this: a coal-fired power plant operating a wet precipitator system, striving to handle low-sulfur, sub-bituminous coal from Wyoming and Montana. However, the 10-degree slope above the venturi rods and the crossover duct underneath couldn’t withstand the abrasive nature of the stream. The constant flow through this thin stainless steel area led to routine hole formation, requiring frequent and costly patching. Desperate for a solution, they turned to TIVAR 88, having witnessed its exceptional performance elsewhere in the facility.

With TIVAR 88, power plants experience a paradigm shift in operational excellence. Gone are the days of routine patching and unscheduled shutdowns. The superior abrasion resistance of TIVAR 88 liners ensures prolonged performance and increased system longevity, translating to significant cost savings. No more compromises on emission compliance or operational efficiency. It’s time to embrace the power of TIVAR 88 and reap the rewards of an optimized power plant.

Visit Lawrence Industries, our website to learn more about TIVAR 88 and how it can revolutionize your power plant operations. Don’t miss out on this game-changing solution. Contact us today at sales@lawrenceindustriesnow.com or call us at 260-432-9693 to take your power plant to new heights of efficiency and compliance!
