TIVAR® 88 Drag Flights

TIVAR® 88 UHMW-PE drag flights and paddles offer an abrasion resistant, non-stick option for efficiently conveying bulk materials. The low coefficient of friction surface of TIVAR® 88 ensures material release at the end of the conveyor, minimizing carry-back and down time due to material build-up. Lawrence Industries can custom fabricate TIVAR® 88 drag flights to accommodate most conveyor systems such as: Essmueller, En-Masse, Thomas, and Ersham Dracon. Drag flights can be fabricated for either stand alone use or to be mounted to a steel substrate.

TIVAR Drag Flight Paddles

Thomas Conveyor Paddles


Want to try TIVAR® 88 Drag Flights in your conveyor?

Give us a call at (260) 432-9693 or
Email: sales@lawrenceindustriesnow.com
